VCU Resources

VCU provides a wealth of resources that are available for current students. 

NSO Kaltura Channel

Our Kaltura Channel hosts recordings of past information sessions, panels, and workshops. 

VCU Student Financial Management Center 

The NSO does not have any scholarship money to give out. Additionally, the NSO is not involved in the decision making process for awarding any need-based or merit-based scholarships. For students looking for funding to attend VCU, we suggest utilizing the VCU Student Financial Management Center. 

Additionally, you can apply for VCU scholarships through the RAMS Scholarship Hub and VCU Business Services Scholarships. There are a few scholarships that can go towards VCU tuition, including the SMART Scholarship and the Pat Tillman Scholarship.

Students can meet with a Financial Counselor during virtual Drop In Hours via Zoom. Appointments are not required to participate in drop-in sessions which are offered, Monday - Friday, from 9 am to 11 am and from 2 pm to 4 pm, daily. Please use this Zoom Drop-in link for virtual support.

VCU Writing Center 

Students who apply for scholarships through the National Scholarship Office have found great value in working with the VCU Writing Center. The Writing Center is a peer-based learning support service for students, which aids them in becoming stronger writers. They offer undergraduate and graduate workshops, English language resources, online consultations, and in-person meetings. The Writing Center can offer fresh eyes to your personal statement, short answer responses, grant proposal, or any other piece of your written materials package for a scholarship, fellowship, or grant application.

VCU Career Services 

Students and recent alumni can utilize VCU Career Services with career advising, mock interviews, resume/cover letter review, professional headshots, and personal statement reviews.

VCU Libraries

VCU Libraries offers students a breadth of resources such as journals, books, digital media, articles, and more. Regardless of the scholarship, fellowship, or grant opportunity you are pursuing, it is important to be as informed as possible about the topic at hand. Whether your written materials discuss a global issue, a country, a language, an industry, etc., you should use the resources that VCU Libraries provides as advantageously as possible. VCU Libraries put together a National Scholarship Support Guide to help you prepare applications for competitive national and international scholarships and fellowships. Nia Rodgers (, Public Affairs Research Librarian, is the NSO's primary liaison.


Pivot is a funding database platform provided by VCU Libraries. You must use your VCUeID to access Pivot.

VCU Education Abroad Office

For nationally competitive scholarships, it is sometimes important that applicants have prior study abroad experience. Education Abroad, housed within VCU’s Global Education Office, provides a wealth of information for all types of study abroad experiences. The Education Abroad Office provides extensive scholarship listings for students planning a study abroad experience.

VCU Graduate School

The VCU Graduate School has a plethora of resources for graduate students including research opportunities and professional development programs.

VCU Undergraduate Research

VCU Undergraduate Research is a great resource for undergraduate students to find research opportunities and to see past students' research.

VCU REAL Initiative 

The VCU REAL Initiative (Relevant, Experiential, and Applied Learning) provides meaningful, hands-on learning experiences for all VCU students.